Garlic is present in almost every kind of cuisine on earth. Not only is it flavorful, it’s also incredibly powerful at healing common ailments.
Although garlic is often served cooked, eating it raw can actually transform this popular spice into a potent medicine.
When it comes to heart health, garlic helps to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent coronary heart disease and heart attack as well as reverse the effects of atherosclerosis.
The bulb is also great for everyday health problems like hayfever, traveler’s diarrhea, cold and flu , bug bites and fungal infections.
When it comes to common health problems, eating garlic regularly can help manage the symptoms of oestoarthritis, diabetes and an enlarged prostate.
The bulb also helps boots your immune system and your body’s ability to get rid of toxins. Combined with ginger and onion, it can even help you detox from chemotherapy.