Finding time to relax these days is not easy for a lot of people. So many of us are working harder and spending more time at work, as we try to make ends meet in a not-so-great economic environment. That’s why it is smart to make the most of the time you actually do have to relax. One way is by spending some time in a steam room. Whether you visit one at the local health spa or you are lucky enough to be able to afford to install your very own, a steam room will provide benefits that go beyond just a room to relax in.
Steam is a proven treatment for a variety of skin conditions, and since a steam room will expose nearly your entire body to that therapeutic steam, it will help you maintain healthy skin from head to toe.
Our bodies have a number of ways of ridding us of toxins that build up from day-to-day life. Sweating is one way toxins are eliminated, and there aren’t too many better ways to bring on a good sweat than spending time in a steam room.
Believe it or not, sitting in a steam room has a similar effect on the body as does mild exercise. Your heart and respiration rate increase, and provide a sort of mini workout for your heart. A steam room may be a great option for cardiac patients who are not able to engage in strenuous exercise.
Day after day of hectic schedules, deadlines and family commitments can lead to chronic fatigue. Spending time in a steam room on a regular basis can help relieve fatigue and can make it easier to banish mental fog and the physical exhaustion that usually accompanies it.
The continuous soothing heat one is exposed to in a steam room will help to relax tense muscles, making it easier to relax and get ready for a good night’s sleep. Some research suggests that going from the high temperature of the steam room to more normal room temperatures help prepare the body for sleep.
Overdoing it on the job or even in the garden can result in sore, overworked muscles. The heat from a steam room can help to relax muscles and relieve pain as a result. High heat also prompts the body to release those “feel good” endorphins, which can act as the body’s natural pain relievers.
Many of us may have seen well-worn comedy routines or cartoons that show a person melting away to a fraction of their previous size after spending time in a sauna or steam room. The good news is that a steam room can actually help you to lose weight. As the heat from the steam room causes your metabolism to speed up and make you sweat, you burn more calories.
Time spent in a steam room can help you avoid illness in at least two ways. As a response to the heat, the body ramps up the immune system, which kills off bacteria and viruses that can invade the body and make you sick. The heating of the body can also help fight illness much the same way a fever does.
It’s long been known that applying heat to painful joints that are caused by arthritis can provide relief. A steam room is able to provide soothing heat evenly over the entire body, and help reduce the pain and inflammation that is often brought on by arthritis.